We're proud to be an official sponsor of ETHDenver, the world's largest and longest-running ETH event! We're offering $35K in prizes, grant progressions, and more. Stop by the ssv.network booth to say hello, get some swag, and join our classic Nintendo tournament.

<aside> 📖 ETHDenver Post


<aside> 🛠 Ep.1 **ETH Bogota** Hackathon



About SSV Network

The ssv.network is a fully decentralized, open-source, and trustless DVT Network*.* The protocol provides an infrastructure solution for decentralizing Ethereum validators by distributing their operation to the multiple non-trusting nodes in the network. A cluster of nodes operates validators on behalf of stakers and simultaneously helps solve the fundamental issues of centralization, redundancy, and security that exist within Ethereum's PoS consensus.

Find out more: 🔗 Website | 🔗 Developer Center | 🔗 Documentation

What is DVT?

Distributed Validator Technology is a technology primitive in the evolving Ethereum technology stack aimed at improving the resilience and health of the blockchain. The solution focuses on strengthening the backbone of Ethereum's PoS consensus by enabling multiple non-trusting parties to operate an Ethereum validator collectively, as opposed to how validators are currently employed. This shift in validator operation dramatically improves the liveness and security of the network while significantly reducing slashing and downtime risks compared to standard validator setups.



ETHDenver Hackathon

We've created an array of challenges to suit multiple skill sets. Whether you're a hardcore solidity developer, back-end engineer, or just like working on the front-end, there should be something for you here.


Choose the challenge that best suits your skill set, interest, and tech stack. You have the option to choose from a list of 5 types of projects relating to ETH staking, liquidity, and tooling.